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Faculty General Information

Welcome, LLCC Faculty! Your LLCC Bookstore is here to serve you and your students. Our mission is to provide the books and materials when they are needed and at an economical price. Your support is very important to the college. We strive to keep communications with our faculty open and updated. Please never hesitate to contact us directly with any concerns or questions. And please alert us to any rumors of out of stock books so we can clarify or remedy!

Textbook adoptions are typically done in September for the spring semester and in February for the summer and fall semesters. Federal regulations require colleges and universities to post course material information for students to see when students can register for their classes. The idea is to inform the student of the true cost of the class before enrolling. Here at Lincoln Land our class registration typically becomes available in April (for fall) and October (for spring) to give students and advisers sufficient time to make informed decisions. So, we are required to post textbook information by that time.

All adoptions must have the approval of your Dean. Once textbook titles have been posted, any changes must go through your Dean. Since students have access to the textbook information months before the actual start date, a late change in a textbook title could cause financial difficulties for our students. If the bookstore has already ordered and received the adopted textbook, the department will be responsible for all shipping and publisher fees should the bookstore be required to return the ordered books.

Teacher editions are to be requested through your Department Administrative Assistants. They have access to publisher reps names and phone numbers.

We strongly encourage you to check the Bookstore website (under "Current Student") and/or stop by the Bookstore at least one month prior to the start of classes to verify we have the correct title and edition.

Any notifications from publishers as to new editions, late publication dates, or problems with other materials will be forwarded to you via your Department Administrative Assistant immediately!

Confused about ISBN 's (International Standard Book Number)? The publishing world is changing from the 10 digit number to a 13 digit number due to the number of books being published around the world. You may give us either the 10 or the 13 as our system will translate either . A textbook will have one ISBN for a hardback book, another for a paperback book and others for bundles. Please be sure you give us the exact ISBN you require for the class.

We have implemented an Online Textbook Adoption program. Your Department Administrative Assistant is well trained in this and can guide you through it. We also offer free training here at the Bookstore or at your office on campus. Just give us a call at 217-786-2399 and ask for Darlene or Cheri.

Don't forget to stop by often to take advantage of your 10% employee discount on clothing, supplies, and logo items. New items arrive weekly!

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